Hodiny hrůzy

Hodiny hrůzy

S03E02 - 2

13.3. 17:50
30 minut

EP. 12. Life on planet Earth is a fragile enough proposition as it is. The Earth is an interconnected system, everything is dependent on everything else, and we as a species should learn how to avoid making things worse than they need to be. In this rather sobering instalment of Desperate Hours our special focus is on Environmental Disasters. We will explore what has actually been done to protect the environment in contrast to the long discussions on this topic. From polluting the planet in various ways to the effects of global warming we contemplate how our future might be affected. As custodians of the planet, are we not better to be safe, rather than sorry?

Více informací


Řada 3


21.3. 18:30, DocuBox, 30 minut


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O pořadu


EP. 12. Life on planet Earth is a fragile enough proposition as it is. The Earth is an interconnected system, everything is dependent on everything else, and we as a species should learn how to avoid making things worse than they need to be. In this rather sobering instalment of Desperate Hours our special focus is on Environmental Disasters. We will explore what has actually been done to protect the environment in contrast to the long discussions on this topic. From polluting the planet in various ways to the effects of global warming we contemplate how our future might be affected. As custodians of the planet, are we not better to be safe, rather than sorry?