Rok v divočině

Rok v divočině

S01E_Episode - Episode

15.3. 16:50
45 minutos

EP.2. A resident baboon on one of the ranches requires some human help to extract a snare. The splinters pack run into a coalition of cheetahs. Jess visits the new-born Splinters pups. Pungwe are on the hunt for big game as they take on formidable buffalo. The Splinters once again demonstrate their extraordinary hunting tactics.

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Temporada 1


15.3. 17:35, DocuBox, 45 minutos


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Sobre el evento


EP.2. A resident baboon on one of the ranches requires some human help to extract a snare. The splinters pack run into a coalition of cheetahs. Jess visits the new-born Splinters pups. Pungwe are on the hunt for big game as they take on formidable buffalo. The Splinters once again demonstrate their extraordinary hunting tactics.