SENSORY TRICKS. Seg 1 Visually-Evoked Auditory Response. VEAR or Visually Evoked Auditory response is the type of auditory perception where our brains perceive to hear sounds in response to seeing something. In the case of the jumping pylon illusion, a thud sound is perceived even though there is no sound accompanying the animation. Seg 2 Retinal Fatigue. Retinal fatigue is the term used to describe the condition when the photoreceptors in our eyes become tired or strained due to staring at one color for extend periods of time. The effect causes an afterimage of the complementary color to appear out of nowhere and will be temporarily visible for a few seconds. Seg 3 Müller-Lyer illusion. The Müller-Lyer illusion is an optical illusion where parallel lines of the same length appear longer when perceived with different pointed arrowheads drawn at the ends. Possible explanations suggest that our minds tend to look at overall length rather than just the line’s parts or segments when processing the image. Another possible explanation is that our minds tendency to look at angled lines and perceive patterns of depth. Seg 4 Ames Room. The Ames room is a specially constructed room that features a distorted and skewed floor plan. when viewed from one angle, our brain is tricked into thinking that the perspective of the rooms is normal but when a person walks from one end to another the distorted floor angle makes it look as if the person changes size drastically. Seg 5 Synesthesia. Synesthesia is a genetic condition that is present in at least 4% of the human population. People with synesthesia have hyper connected neurons that allow them to perceive a stimuli as interconnected with different senses. An example of which is the ability to see color while hearing sounds.
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SENSORY TRICKS. Seg 1 Visually-Evoked Auditory Response. VEAR or Visually Evoked Auditory response is the type of auditory perception where our brains perceive to hear sounds in response to seeing something. In the case of the jumping pylon illusion, a thud sound is perceived even though there is no sound accompanying the animation. Seg 2 Retinal Fatigue. Retinal fatigue is the term used to describe the condition when the photoreceptors in our eyes become tired or strained due to staring at one color for extend periods of time. The effect causes an afterimage of the complementary color to appear out of nowhere and will be temporarily visible for a few seconds. Seg 3 Müller-Lyer illusion. The Müller-Lyer illusion is an optical illusion where parallel lines of the same length appear longer when perceived with different pointed arrowheads drawn at the ends. Possible explanations suggest that our minds tend to look at overall length rather than just the line’s parts or segments when processing the image. Another possible explanation is that our minds tendency to look at angled lines and perceive patterns of depth. Seg 4 Ames Room. The Ames room is a specially constructed room that features a distorted and skewed floor plan. when viewed from one angle, our brain is tricked into thinking that the perspective of the rooms is normal but when a person walks from one end to another the distorted floor angle makes it look as if the person changes size drastically. Seg 5 Synesthesia. Synesthesia is a genetic condition that is present in at least 4% of the human population. People with synesthesia have hyper connected neurons that allow them to perceive a stimuli as interconnected with different senses. An example of which is the ability to see color while hearing sounds.