A Midsummer Night's Dance

A Midsummer Night's Dance

19.9. 03:05
Filmbox Arthouse
125 minut

This is a wonderful story of a matchmaking event in Italy. Young men and women are escorted to a midsummer dance. There is a man who coordinates the proper arrangements and the mountain villages send their youth. Directed by: Pupi Avati. Cast: Gianni Cavina, Valentina Cervi, Carlo Delle Piane. Year of production: 1999. Country of production: Italy

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O pořadu

This is a wonderful story of a matchmaking event in Italy. Young men and women are escorted to a midsummer dance. There is a man who coordinates the proper arrangements and the mountain villages send their youth. Directed by: Pupi Avati. Cast: Gianni Cavina, Valentina Cervi, Carlo Delle Piane. Year of production: 1999. Country of production: Italy