Sea Dragon

Sea Dragon

24.9. 06:00
Filmbox Arthouse
20 minut

A young fossil hunter makes a groundbreaking discovery, challenging the worldview of 19th century England. Directed by: James Morgan. Cast: Kiara Holley-Paliano, Nathaniel Parker, Harvey Dean. Year of production: 2021. Country of production: UK

Více informací

Podobné tituly

Uvolnit pěsti
Tatal fantoma
Dva dny, jedna noc
Já jsem
Můj vlastní měsíc
Kos v ostružiní
Občas myslím na smrt
Návrat domů

O pořadu

A young fossil hunter makes a groundbreaking discovery, challenging the worldview of 19th century England. Directed by: James Morgan. Cast: Kiara Holley-Paliano, Nathaniel Parker, Harvey Dean. Year of production: 2021. Country of production: UK