Death And The Knight

Death And The Knight

28.9. 03:10
Filmbox Arthouse
35 minut

Secluded for ages inside his tower, an immortal Knight is awoken from his slumber by a mysterious whisper and sets off on a perilous journey to find and confront an elusive enemy. Directed by: Radu Gaciu. Cast: Ana Ularu, Ralph Ineson, Ionuţ Grama, Tom Wilson, Ana Udroiu, Robert Marshall, Gabriel Costin. Year of production: 2020. Country of production: France

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O pořadu

Secluded for ages inside his tower, an immortal Knight is awoken from his slumber by a mysterious whisper and sets off on a perilous journey to find and confront an elusive enemy. Directed by: Radu Gaciu. Cast: Ana Ularu, Ralph Ineson, Ionuţ Grama, Tom Wilson, Ana Udroiu, Robert Marshall, Gabriel Costin. Year of production: 2020. Country of production: France