The River

The River

25.3. 21:00
FilmBox Arthouse
95 minut

An introvert city teenager is sent to his father's limber ranch. While trying to figure out his place as the son of the boss he finds himself in a world packed with naturalized violence. Directed by: Juan Pablo Richter. Cast: Santiago Rozo, Valentina Villalpando, Fernando Arze Echalar. Year of production: 2018. Country of production: Bolivia

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An introvert city teenager is sent to his father's limber ranch. While trying to figure out his place as the son of the boss he finds himself in a world packed with naturalized violence. Directed by: Juan Pablo Richter. Cast: Santiago Rozo, Valentina Villalpando, Fernando Arze Echalar. Year of production: 2018. Country of production: Bolivia