S01E14 - Hapci
Hapci. Animációs filmsorozat, Egyesült Királyság (2014). Bing megfázott és folyton tüsszög. Ilyen állapotban nem mehet Sulához látogatóba, mert megfertőzheti. Így otthon pihen és kúrálja magát.
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Season 1Bye Bye
'If you break a special thing, you can put it in the Bye Bye Box and it keeps it safe so you don't ever forget.' Bing plays with a new orange balloon but when he bounces on it too enthusiastically, it pops. Bing is sad to lose his new toy, so Flop helps him put the balloon fragments in the Bye Bye Box, a memory box where things too broken to be fixed but too special to throw away are kept.
'In my house I've got a bed and a blankie but that's coz I'm not a frog and they like different things to me.' Bing finds a frog in the garden and wants to keep it, so he and Sula make the frog a 'house' in a bucket. But Froggy doesn't like her new home and hops out. Maybe they've not thought enough about what Froggy really needs in her home.
'You can't grow down, you can only grow up'. Coco and Charlie are playing at Bing's house when Coco spots the measuring lines on the wall that show how Bing has grown. Flop measures Bing and he's bigger than the last time. When Bing can't reach his paper aeroplane, Coco offers to measure him again to check if he's really grown but they don't quite get the measuring ritual right and the new mark is much lower than before. Bing gets scared that he's growing down and that if he keeps going he'll be as small as Charlie.
CoComelon (The Duck Hide and Seek Song)
Welcome CoComelon! In CoComelon, Baby JJ and his family go on fun every-day experiences packed with things to learn and explore. There is always something new to learn in these everyday situations which any pre-schooler can relate to!
Bawmy się Charlie
Bing ma planuje mnóstwo rzeczy do zrobienia. Charlie nie chce jednak się z nim bawić. Flop sugeruje, by zapytał, co Charlie chciałaby robić. Po krótkim czasie namysłu Charlie i Bing postanawiają urządzić koncert przy użyciu garnków i patelni.

The bunny has enough money to buy one thing in Padget's shop but has difficulty choosing between all the lovely things and eventually picks a camper van - but regrets his decision.

Flop finds Bing's carrot torch, and together they set off into the dark on an adventure.

The bunny and Sula clamber around the trees in the park, but Bing climbs too high and discovers he needs some help.

The friends gather for a tea party, but the bunny accidentally tips one of the cakes off its stand. He is upset that it is ruined, but Amma helps him see things differently.
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About show
Bing is a young and lovable bunny learning about the big world around him, with the help of his friends. A warm and gentle animation, based on the bestselling books by Ted Dewan.