Danger Force
S03E01 - The Force Returns: Part 1
Kapitán Muž má novou skupinu superhrdinských pomocníků - Nebezpečnou sílu. Kapitán a Schwoz vytváří falešnou školu, kde trénují děti, aby ovládli své nekontrolovatelné superhrdinské schopnosti a mohly bohovat se zločinem.
More informationEpisodes
Episode 2
Episode 2
Captain Man has a new crew of superhero sidekicks - Danger Force. Captain Man and Schwoz create a fake school to train the kids to harness their uncontrollable superpowers to fight crime.
Episode 3
Episode 3
Captain Man has a new crew of superhero sidekicks - Danger Force. Captain Man and Schwoz create a fake school to train the kids to harness their uncontrollable superpowers to fight crime.
Episode 4
Episode 4
Captain Man has a new crew of superhero sidekicks - Danger Force. Captain Man and Schwoz create a fake school to train the kids to harness their uncontrollable superpowers to fight crime.
Episode 5
Episode 5
Captain Man has a new crew of superhero sidekicks - Danger Force. Captain Man and Schwoz create a fake school to train the kids to harness their uncontrollable superpowers to fight crime.
Episode 6
Episode 6
Captain Man has a new crew of superhero sidekicks - Danger Force. Captain Man and Schwoz create a fake school to train the kids to harness their uncontrollable superpowers to fight crime.
Episode 8
Episode 8
Captain Man has a new crew of superhero sidekicks - Danger Force. Captain Man and Schwoz create a fake school to train the kids to harness their uncontrollable superpowers to fight crime.
Episode 9
Episode 9
Captain Man has a new crew of superhero sidekicks - Danger Force. Captain Man and Schwoz create a fake school to train the kids to harness their uncontrollable superpowers to fight crime.
Episode 10
Episode 10
Captain Man has a new crew of superhero sidekicks - Danger Force. Captain Man and Schwoz create a fake school to train the kids to harness their uncontrollable superpowers to fight crime.
Episode 11
Episode 11
Captain Man has a new crew of superhero sidekicks - Danger Force. Captain Man and Schwoz create a fake school to train the kids to harness their uncontrollable superpowers to fight crime.
Episode 12
Episode 12
Captain Man has a new crew of superhero sidekicks - Danger Force. Captain Man and Schwoz create a fake school to train the kids to harness their uncontrollable superpowers to fight crime.
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About show
Kapitán Muž má novou skupinu superhrdinských pomocníků - Nebezpečnou sílu. Kapitán a Schwoz vytváří falešnou školu, kde trénují děti, aby ovládli své nekontrolovatelné superhrdinské schopnosti a mohly bohovat se zločinem.