Extinct or Alive

Extinct or Alive

S01E02 - The Madagascar Giant

22.9. 08:30
Animal Planet
55 minutes

Madagascar's Pachylemurs were red, furry giants, nearly the size of great apes. Recently discovered remains disprove that they went extinct 1000 years ago and Forrest scales the jungle on a mission to prove the giant species still lives.

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Record series
Available in 3 days

The Galapagos Giant

23.9. 08:30, Animal Planet, 55 minutes

The Galapagos Giant

So basically the plan is to search for the ultimate tortoise which is supposed to be extinct. The team goes on Galapagos Islands to look for it. Its one of the best episodes for the second season just loved it.

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The Dracula Monkey of Borneo

24.9. 04:30, Animal Planet, 45 minutes

The Dracula Monkey of Borneo

Dokument. Biolog specializující se na divokou zvěř, Forrest Gallante, používá nejmodernější technologie, pomocí nichž pátrá po druzích, které již nikdo nehledá

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About show

Czech, English, Hungarian

What if extinct animals weren't really extinct? Forrest Gallante, a wildlife biologist, is scouring the globe using cutting edge technology on his mission to find species that the world has stopped looking for.