Monsters Inside Me

Monsters Inside Me

S06E09 - All I Got For Christmas Is Brain Surgery

24.1. 21:00
Animal Planet
60 minutes
Comedy / Drama / Romantic

The third episode of the series to be Christmas-themed – A baby is having problems controlling the left side of her body, along with multiple miniature seizures before doctors discover the right side of her brain is malformed due to a Cytomegalovirus infection; a PR executive suffers a year-long ailment that turns out to be a cyst caused by Echinococcus granulosus tapeworms infecting her spleen; seizures ruin a schoolteacher's Thanksgiving, and when they worsen around Christmas, doctors discover a pork tapeworm cyst.

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Season 6

There's Something Living In My Knee

24.3. 02:15, Animal Planet, 45 minutes

There's Something Living In My Knee

A 4-year-old boy literally drowns in his own mucus, being a victim of an outbreak of the Enterovirus D68 virus; a 7-year old scrapes his knee on a rock at the beach, but when his father puts a liquid bandage on it, it causes it to swell the size of an orange – then, his mother squeezes the wound and finds a sea snail (Littorina scutulata) inside; a college student experiences loss of appetite, fatigue, fever, jaundice, and repetitive nightmares that turn into a reality from getting infected with malaria caused by the Plasmodium falciparum parasite after returning from a trip to Ghana.

Available in 20 hours

Help! My Son is a Leper

25.3. 02:15, Animal Planet, 45 minutes

Help! My Son is a Leper

An athlete gets headaches, stomach pains, breathing difficulties, and a liver mass from Entamoeba histolytica from a trip to Nicaragua; a teenager develops a leg welt and then gets fatigue and red spots on his body over the course of several years. When the spots open, the doctors discover he has leprosy from coming into contact with an infected nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus). A woman suffers severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, and seizures from Exserohilum rostratum fungi invading her brain.

Available in 21 hours

My Vacation From Hell

25.3. 03:00, Animal Planet, 45 minutes

My Vacation From Hell

During a fishing vacation, a soccer coach goes into septic shock from Vibrio vulnificus necrotizing fasciitis after banging his ankle on a barnacle; a 7-year-old girl gets facial tics, bouts of anxiety, and turns suicidal after a streptococcal brain infection; a makeup artist gets severe stomach cramps and watery diarrhea from Giardia lamblia.

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About show

Czech, English, Hungarian
Comedy / Drama / Romantic

Part horror movie, part medical detective story, find out what happens when people fall prey to an infection from a parasite, those nasty microscopic creatures found in water, soil and even in the air. Victims' stories are retold, including how doctors and scientists attempt to unravel each case before it's too late. Biologist Dan Riskin, assisted by doctors and experts who witnessed each case, leads the scientific discussion about each parasite.


Tyler Perry, Armani Ortiz


Ebony Obsidian, Kj Smith, Devale Ellis, Novi Brown, Mignon