Niesamowity świat Gumballa

Niesamowity świat Gumballa

S02E22 - The Hero

5.3. 10:25
10 minut
Bajka / Komedia / Familijny / Fantasy

Meet Barney, the singing and dancing purple dinosaur who embodies love. This all-new animated series is set in the local playground, where Barney is joined by dinos Billy and Baby Bop and their three kid best friends. Throughout silly and imaginative adventures together, Barney helps kids explore big preschool emotions and shows them how to love themselves, others, and their community.

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Nagraj serię


6.3. 08:00, Cartoon Network HD, 20 minut


Seznamte se s Wattersonovými: mámou, tátou, Darwinem a samozřejmě Gumballem... Dvanáctiletým kocourem s nadáním pro vylomeniny!

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O audycji

czeski, angielski, węgierski
Bajka / Komedia / Familijny / Fantasy

Meet Barney, the singing and dancing purple dinosaur who embodies love. This all-new animated series is set in the local playground, where Barney is joined by dinos Billy and Baby Bop and their three kid best friends. Throughout silly and imaginative adventures together, Barney helps kids explore big preschool emotions and shows them how to love themselves, others, and their community.


Mic Graves, Adam Beechen, Jon Foster, Ben Bocquelet, Leah Humphrey, Catherine Williams, James Lamont


Teresa Gallagher, Mic Graves, Dan Russell, Kerry Shale, Jessica McDonald, Logan Grove, Kwesi Boakye, Kyla Rae Kowalewski, Tony Hull