22.3. 13:30
Disney Junior
30 minut
$.nette.flashMessage($el.dataset.message, 'alert-success'))"
data-message="Odkaz byl zkopírován"
class="tw-flex tw-items-center tw-gap-2 tw-w-full hover:tw-bg-gray-750 tw-whitespace-nowrap tw-py-2.5 tw-px-4"
Kopírovat odkaz
Bobby Boots wants to show up Pupstruction in front of the mayor but his attempt backfires. Phinny struggles to build quietly for a family whose chinchilla neighbor needs to sleep.
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$.nette.flashMessage($el.dataset.message, 'alert-success'))"
data-message="Odkaz byl zkopírován"
class="tw-min-w-[240px] tw-flex tw-items-center tw-gap-2 hover:tw-bg-gray-750 tw-whitespace-nowrap tw-py-2.5 tw-px-4"
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Nahrávat seriál
Řada 1
22.3. 11:00, Disney Junior,
30 minut
Pupstruction (1)
Phinny must build a new bridge so Petsburg’s kids can get to school. Mayor Gilmore tasks Phinny with building a skate park, but an indestructible boulder stands in their way.
22.3. 13:30, Disney Junior,
30 minut
Dostupné za 1 hodinu
Pupstruction (4)
23.3. 11:00, Disney Junior,
30 minut
Pupstruction (4)
Phinny struggles to build quietly for a family whose chinchilla neighbor needs to sleep.
18.3. 16:15, Disney Junior,
15 minut
Pupstruction (10)
Bobby Boots sneaks into Pupstruction HQ to get hold of Phinny’s blueprints for a new water park.
26.3. 12:00, Disney Junior,
30 minut
Pupstruction (17)
Bobby tries to sabotage the Pup Crew's library build with a robotic cat.
27.3. 11:30, Disney Junior,
30 minut
Pupstruction (18)
The Pupstruction crew need to build a school for fish underwater.
27.3. 12:00, Disney Junior,
30 minut
Pupstruction (19)
Bobby Boots thinks he wasn’t invited to Pupstruction’s Howl-O-Ween party.
28.3. 11:30, Disney Junior,
30 minut
Pupstruction (20)
Tank doesn’t think he's brave enough to help build a haunted house, but his friends are trapped!
28.3. 12:00, Disney Junior,
30 minut
Pupstruction (21)
The pups build Roxy a ramp so that she can access the Observatory for a rare viewing of The Wishbone Comet.
17.3. 12:15, Disney Junior,
15 minut
Pupstruction (22)
The pups design a treehouse to help their new neighbor, Ollie!
18.3. 16:00, Disney Junior,
15 minut
Pupstruction (23)
Professor Frazzle keeps wrecking her lab with explosive experiments.
16.3. 13:30, Disney Junior,
30 minut
Pupstruction (24)
Underwater, Pupstruction helps separate a cranky crab and his neighbor by building a wall between their houses.
21.3. 12:00, Disney Junior,
30 minut
Pupstruction (25)
Phinny and the crew work to give Bailey some snowy fun on a warm summer day.
20.3. 16:15, Disney Junior,
15 minut
Pupstruction (26)
Pupstruction builds a tower tall enough to see over the clouds by thinking outside the box.
18.3. 15:30, Disney Junior,
30 minut
Pupstruction (27)
Luna is avoiding a haircut because she’s never had one before, but learns it can be fun.
19.3. 15:30, Disney Junior,
30 minut
Pupstruction (28)
Phinny helps Bailey build her Mother’s Day gift but struggles to complete his own in time.
20.3. 15:30, Disney Junior,
30 minut
Pupstruction (29)
Pupstruction builds a parking lot for Petsburg Pier’s Canine Coaster!
21.3. 15:30, Disney Junior,
30 minut
Pupstruction (30)
Pupstruction unearths a dinosaur skeleton, and displays it for the citizens of Petsburg.
19.3. 11:45, Disney Junior,
15 minut
Pupstruction (31)
When Lloyd is resting, Pupstruction builds a replacement but the Mayor feels something is missing.
20.3. 11:30, Disney Junior,
15 minut
Pupstruction (32)
Lickety Split builds a hot air balloon but gets stuck and asks the crew for help.
20.3. 11:45, Disney Junior,
15 minut
Pupstruction (33)
Pupstruction has to construct their tiniest and most delicate build yet.
21.3. 16:15, Disney Junior,
15 minut
Pupstruction (34)
Pupstruction builds a house for a chameleon, who can’t seem to decide what color it should be!
21.3. 11:45, Disney Junior,
15 minut
Pupstruction (35)
The Pupstruction Crew help Chef Bonetelli make a giant pizza for a big bunny birthday party!
21.3. 16:00, Disney Junior,
15 minut
Pupstruction (36)
Pupstruction needs to create a daycare center fun enough to keep baby builders busy!
19.3. 12:15, Disney Junior,
15 minut
Pupstruction (39)
Pupstuction builds a lighthouse to keep boats safe day and night.
20.3. 16:00, Disney Junior,
15 minut
Pupstruction (46)
Pupstruction tries to build a playground that will make all the kids happy.
O pořadu
Bobby Boots wants to show up Pupstruction in front of the mayor but his attempt backfires. Phinny struggles to build quietly for a family whose chinchilla neighbor needs to sleep.