Storage Wars / 12.03.2025, 12:55

Storage Wars / 12.03.2025, 12:55

Válka skladů (10)

12.3. 12:55
Nova Action
25 minutes

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.

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46 Available episodes Show 10 future episodes
Available in 5 hours

San Burrito

19.3. 18:45, Nova Action, 30 minutes

San Burrito

San Burrito. Jarrod a Brandi zjistí, že velký objem peněz přichází v malém balení. Nerozhodný Darrell se ocitne v přihazovací nejistotě a Mark Balelo je zpět se svým obvyklým chvástáním.


Episode 24

19.3. 00:20, History Channel, 20 minutes

Episode 24

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.


Episode 23

18.3. 23:55, History Channel, 25 minutes

Episode 23

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.


Episode 22

18.3. 00:20, History Channel, 20 minutes

Episode 22

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.


Episode 21

17.3. 23:55, History Channel, 25 minutes

Episode 21

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.


Episode 20

15.3. 00:20, History Channel, 20 minutes

Episode 20

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.


Žít a nabízet

17.3. 12:35, Nova Action, 25 minutes

Žít a nabízet

Žít a nabízet. V pobřežním městě Encinitas v Kalifornii bojují kupci o pozůstalost ze sedmdesátých let. Barry najde ostatek ze své minulosti a Darrell klopýtne o lukrativní zdravotnické zařízení.


Episode 19

14.3. 23:55, History Channel, 25 minutes

Episode 19

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.



16.3. 13:00, Nova Action, 25 minutes


Podvádění. Bizardní koňská hlava rozdělí Brandi a Jarroda, Barry Weiss jde pouze po starožitném nábytku a Dave Hester učiní nejpodivnější objev ze všech.


Episode 18

14.3. 00:20, History Channel, 20 minutes

Episode 18

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.


Předseda majetku

16.3. 12:30, Nova Action, 30 minutes

Předseda majetku

Předseda majetku. Klepy se začnou šířit velmi rychle, když jdou do aukce skříňky od jediného nájemníka. Kdo byl jejich majitel? Překupník starožitností, majitel obchodu, nebo někdo horší?

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About show

Czech Czech

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.