V lese je nalezena kostra dvanáct let pohřešovaného muže. Způsob vraždy odpovídá dvěma případům, za které jejich pachatelka dostala doživotní trest. Gibbs posílá McGeeho do ženské věznice, aby z vražedkyně Celie Robertsové vymohl doznání ke třetí vraždě. Během pohovoru ale jedna z vězeňkyň zabije dozorce a dojde ke vzpouře. Správce je nucen celý blok uzavřít. Ženy si vynutí dohodu, že NSIS zjistí, kdo je vrah. Toho pak vydají a ostatní získají příslib beztrestnosti. McGee tedy pátrá uvnitř vězení a Gibbsův tým pomáhá zvenčí. Stopa vede k někomu, kdo do věznice pašuje drogy.(TV Nova)
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
United States
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
Leslie Libman
Michael Hyatt,
David McCallum,
Pauley Perrette,
Stephanie Niznik,
Sean Murray,
Isaiah Mustafa,
Mark Harmon,
Channon Roe,
Janina Gavankar,
Michael Weatherly,
Cote de Pablo,
Rebekah Brandes,
Lisa Rieffel,
Martha Hackett,
Jamie Renée Smith,
Robert Wisdom