Secrets of the Universe

Secrets of the Universe

S01E07 - Supervolcanoes

25.2. 19:09
Prima Zoom
58 minutes

Look back at rare classes of eruptions that have marshaled the energy that lurks, like a sleeping dragon, beneath the surface of planet earth. The program moves beyond earth to explore the impact of giant volcanic eruptions around our solar system.

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Record series


Season 1


25.2. 19:09, Prima Zoom, 58 minutes


Look back at rare classes of eruptions that have marshaled the energy that lurks, like a sleeping dragon, beneath the surface of planet earth. The program moves beyond earth to explore the impact of giant volcanic eruptions around our solar system.

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About show

Czech Czech

Vesmír je dodnes studnicí mnoha neprobádaných záhad. Skrývá se v naší galaxii masivní černá díra? Jak vnikl Měsíc? Kde se dá najít nejbližší planeta podobná Zemi...?(TV Prima)