Prvních 48 hodin

Prvních 48 hodin

S17E01 - Honor Code

5.1. 13:45
Crime and Investigation
45 minutos

In Atlanta, a decorated veteran and grandfather is ambushed when he checks on a rental property.

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Rearview Killer & Point Blank

16.3. 13:45, Crime and Investigation, 45 minutos

Rearview Killer & Point Blank

A parking lot drug deal turns into a shootout that claims the lives of two Atlanta men; an execution outside a Tulsa, Okla., motel escalates into a double murder when the killer spots a witness to the crime.


The Girl Next Door

16.3. 14:30, Crime and Investigation, 45 minutos

The Girl Next Door

In Atlanta, when a young man is shot from 235 feet away, Detective Darrin Smith discovers an escalating feud that threatens to tear apart a neighborhood.

Disponible en 10 horas

Inside the Tape Special 4

23.3. 13:45, Crime and Investigation, 45 minutos

Inside the Tape Special 4

A late-night shooting in North Minneapolis leaves one man dead and another alive to help detectives identify the killer. In Tulsa, a late night party turns into a blood bath, but a Facebook video may help Detective John Brown dispute a suspect’s claims that he wasn’t there. In Tulsa again, Detectives must decide if a duo responsible for an all night car-jacking spree ended in the gruesome murder of a single father. In Tulsa, an innocent victim is caught in the cross fire as a surge of gang violence rips through the city.

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checo, inglés

Z první řady: Speciál Rozhovorů s detektivy. Oddělení vražd v Tulse se ponoří do temného světa drog a sexuálních služeb, aby vyřešilo vraždu muže popraveného v autě na parkovišti u motelu.