Adolf Hitler is determined to fight to the very end, even if it costs millions of Germans their lives. He puts his faith in his the Wunderwaffe, the wonder weapons, including the first ever ballistic missile, the V2.
Hitler's mastery of propaganda and instinct for design was used to create everything from the swastika flag to the striking uniforms of the Storm Troopers. This all helped win support for the Nazi party, a vital step in its march towards total power.
Hitler is determined to change the way German people think and feel by creating a new, Nazi form of art and culture. He takes over the film industry and radio stations, giving the Nazis complete control over every image and message his people receiv
Using surveillance, detention, and even murder, the SS defeat Hitler's political enemies and are most responsible for putting Hitler's deadly policy of racial purity into practice.
Adolf Hitler is determined to fight to the very end, even if it costs millions of Germans their lives. He puts his faith in his the Wunderwaffe, the wonder weapons, including the first ever ballistic missile, the V2.