

S01E03 - Split and Salona, Croatia

25.9. 04:30
30 minut

Split and Salona, Croatia. Explore the beautiful Dalmatian coast with a little history of Split with Alex and stay tuned as next she explores the port city of Salona.

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Řada 1

Dubrovnik, Croatia

25.9. 01:00, Travelxp, 30 minut

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Dubrovnik, Croatia. Alexandra, in this episode visits Dubrovnik, where she explores a war museum, and explores the dramatic monuments, mesmerising landscapes and indulges in water sports.


Brac and Split, Croatia

24.9. 03:00, Travelxp, 30 minut

Brac and Split, Croatia

Brac and Split, Croatia. Alex continues her journey in Croatia, exploring Brac and Spilit. Starting with quad biking and windsurfing in the coastal town of Barc, she later explores the port city of Split with is beauty.


Split and Salona, Croatia

25.9. 04:30, Travelxp, 30 minut

Split and Salona, Croatia

Split and Salona, Croatia. Explore the beautiful Dalmatian coast with a little history of Split with Alex and stay tuned as next she explores the port city of Salona.


Zadar, Croatia

24.9. 09:00, Travelxp, 30 minut

Zadar, Croatia

Zadar, Croatia. Watch a musical instrument powered by sea waves and learn how glassware was made in Roman era. This and more with Alexandra in Zadar episode.


Plitvice, Lopar and Zagreb, Croatia

24.9. 12:30, Travelxp, 30 minut

Plitvice, Lopar and Zagreb, Croatia

Plitvice, Lopar and Zagreb, Croatia. Alexandra in this episode explores Plitvice, where she visits a national park, interacts with locals, tastes local wine and then leaves for Zagreb.

Dostupné za 4 dny

Belgrade, Serbia

29.9. 22:00, Travelxp, 30 minut

Belgrade, Serbia

Belgrade, Serbia. Visit Belgrade, with Heather as she explores the city, its architecture and learns about its past by visiting historical monuments built during the Roman, Hungarian and Turkish era.

Dostupné za 3 dny

Novi Sad, Serbia

29.9. 04:00, Travelxp, 30 minut

Novi Sad, Serbia

Novi Sad, Serbia. Heather explores Novi Sad, the financial and industrial hub of Serbia. Starting with canoeing on Danube and later exploring the city and its landmarks.

Dostupné za 4 dny

Pozarevac, Serbia

29.9. 07:00, Travelxp, 30 minut

Pozarevac, Serbia

Pozarevac, Serbia. Heather explores Požarevac and visits the ancient town of Viminacium. Later visits National Museum, concluding with Majdanpek’s Rajkova Pecina Caves.

Dostupné za 4 dny

Majdanpek, Serbia

29.9. 10:00, Travelxp, 30 minut

Majdanpek, Serbia

Majdanpek, Serbia. Heather visits Majdanpek, a city that brings its visitors closer to the treasures strewn across the Serbian countryside. Then explores Zajecar town and learns more about the Roman history in Serbia.

Dostupné za 4 dny

Nis, Serbia

29.9. 13:00, Travelxp, 30 minut

Nis, Serbia

Nis, Serbia. Heather explores Nis, one of the oldest cities in Europe. Here, she visits a concentration camp built in World War II and later enjoys paragliding wrapping up by watching a musical performance.

Dostupné za 4 dny

Resavska Pecina, Serbia

29.9. 16:00, Travelxp, 30 minut

Resavska Pecina, Serbia

Resavska Pecina, Serbia. Continue exploring Serbia with Heather as she visits the Manasija monastery, Resavska caves, ending with a joyride onboard Eight of Sargan rail line.

Dostupné za 4 dny

Sjenica, Serbia

29.9. 19:00, Travelxp, 30 minut

Sjenica, Serbia

Sjenica, Serbia. In her final leg of journey in Serbia, Heather visits the Uvac canyon, tries the locally prepared pie, ending with Kopaonik National Park and the beautiful Jelovarnik waterfalls.


Lisbon, Portgual

21.9. 10:30, Travelxp, 30 minut

Lisbon, Portgual

Lisbon, Portgual. Join our host as he starts his backpacking journey of Portugal, starting from Lisbon. Exploring important monuments from Belem tower to Portas Do Sol.


Sintra, Portgual

21.9. 13:30, Travelxp, 30 minut

Sintra, Portgual

Sintra, Portgual. Our host travels to Sintra, known for its castles and palaces. Learning and exploring about castles, he further travels to the historic town Obidos.


Coimbra, Portgual

21.9. 16:30, Travelxp, 30 minut

Coimbra, Portgual

Coimbra, Portgual. Driek travels to Coimbra. Where he visits the Santa Cruz Church, a park and Santa Claire monastery. Concluding with a visit to Coimbra University.


Porto, Portgual

21.9. 19:30, Travelxp, 30 minut

Porto, Portgual

Porto, Portgual. Driek today travels to Porto, surrounded by chapela, monasteries and churches. He visits a Wine cellar and learns about wine production of Portugal.


Douro Valley, Portgual

22.9. 01:00, Travelxp, 30 minut

Douro Valley, Portgual

Douro Valley, Portgual. Our host travels to Douro Valley and is seen exploring vineyards and learning about the history behind it. Concluding his journey at Troia and Évora.

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