S01E28 - Pozarevac, Serbia
Pozarevac, Serbia. Heather explores Požarevac and visits the ancient town of Viminacium. Later visits National Museum, concluding with Majdanpek’s Rajkova Pecina Caves.
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Sezon 1Brac and Split, Croatia
Brac and Split, Croatia. Alex continues her journey in Croatia, exploring Brac and Spilit. Starting with quad biking and windsurfing in the coastal town of Barc, she later explores the port city of Split with is beauty.

Caesarea, Israel
Caesarea, Israel
Caesarea, Israel. Sabrina in Jaffa visits Zodiac fountain, ending with Jaffa Port. She then explores the National Park in Caesarea and concluding after her visit to the shrine of Bab, learning about the Baha'i faith.

Acre, Israel
Acre, Israel
Acre, Israel. Sabrina visits Acre, starting from El Jazzar mosque and Citadel fortress. Next day she travels to Mizpe Hayamim and then explores the town of Capernaum.