Outback Truckers

Outback Truckers

S05E07 - Episode 7

8.2. 05:00
Viasat Explore
70 minutes

Australské vnitrozemí je jednou z posledních divokých hranic světa, kde se ostřílení řidiči kamionů setkávají se špínou, dramaty a nebezpečím. Existuje jen jeden způsob, jak se dostat z bodu A do bodu B: drsná a náročná cesta.

More information
Available in 1 day

Episode 1

26.3. 05:00, Viasat Explore, 70 minutes

Episode 1

Steve Grahame's right-hand man, Slick, rushes to deliver a house to a remote community and get home in time for Christmas.

Available in 2 days

Episode 2

27.3. 04:15, Viasat Explore, 50 minutes

Episode 2

Nick and Jo can't catch a break with break downs and melt downs in the remote Kimberley.

Available in 2 days

Episode 3

27.3. 05:05, Viasat Explore, 65 minutes

Episode 3

Outback legend Steve Grahame is back. But his latest haul will test his newly fixed truck and newly fixed shoulder.

Available in 3 days

Episode 4

28.3. 04:15, Viasat Explore, 45 minutes

Episode 4

The Mackay's monster house moving convoy irritates drivers as they race to make curfew.

Available in 3 days

Episode 5

28.3. 05:00, Viasat Explore, 70 minutes

Episode 5

Brutal weather and bending roads give Tasmanian trucker Jeff Elliot a run for his money.

Available in 4 days

Episode 6

29.3. 04:15, Viasat Explore, 50 minutes

Episode 6

Flooding and corrugated roads throw Mark Cromwell and his team off road as they race to deliver a mammoth switch room into the desert.

Available in 4 days

Episode 7

29.3. 05:05, Viasat Explore, 65 minutes

Episode 7

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About show

Czech, English, Hungarian

Australské vnitrozemí je jednou z posledních divokých hranic světa, kde se ostřílení řidiči kamionů setkávají se špínou, dramaty a nebezpečím. Existuje jen jeden způsob, jak se dostat z bodu A do bodu B: drsná a náročná cesta.